Apa itu Presentasi dan Power Point?

Pengertian dari Presentasi dan Microsoft Power Point
Apa itu Presentasi?
Presentasi adalah suatu kegiatan berbicara di hadapan orang banyak dengan tujuan untuk menyampaikan pendapat, topik atau informasi. Presentasi juga merupakan salah satu bentuk komunikasi. Komunikasi presentasi dilakukan secara terpadu: lewat suara, gambar, dan bahasa tubuh.
Agar sebuah pesan dalam komunikasi bisa tersampaikan dengan baik, ada tiga komponen penting yang terkait:
  1. Pemberi pesan (komunikator)
  2. Media yang digunakan
  3. Penerima pesan (audiens)

            Apa itu Microsoft Power Point?
Microsoft Power Point merupakan salah satu media untuk menyampaikan presentasi yang dapat membantu dalam menyusun sebuah presentasi yang efektif dan profesional. Power Point dapat merupakan bagian dari keseluruhan presentasi maupun menjadi satu-satunya sarana penyampaian informasi. Microsoft Power Point dapat membantu dalam membuat sebuah gagasan menjadi lebih menarik dan menjelaskan tujuan yang jelas bagi para pembaca. Power point juga dapat digunakan untuk memperindah presentasi.
PowerPoint sebagai pendukung presentasi misalnya adalah Power Point sebagai alat bantu visual dalam presentasi oral. Power Point dapat pula menjadi media utama penyampaian presentasi, misalnya pada presentasi produk/iklan mini, profil perusahaan, dan presentasi online. Presentasi semacam ini dapat disertai dengan narasi dan ilustrasi suara, musik, atau video yang dimainkan pada saat presentasi.

Tujuan Penggunaan Microsoft Power Point dalam Membuat Presentasi
         Isi dalam presentasin haruslah berisi informasi-informasi dalam bentuk data dan bukti-bukti yang dapat memudahkan pemahaman pada orang lain. Bila adanya ketidakjelasan pada informasi dan penyusunan yang tidak logis, hal-hal ini akan mengurangi keyakinan orang atas presentasi yang diberikan.

         Presentasi yang baik berisi informasi, data, dan bukti-bukti yang disusun secara logis. Presentasi yang baik harus dapat meyakinkan orang lain supaya mereka menerima informasi tersebut dan bersifat membujuk atau merayu orang lain dengan data-data yang nyata agar orang melakukan suatu tindakan tanpa merasa ragu atau tidak yakin dari presentasi tersebut.

          Demi tercapainya tujuan dari presentasi maka seorang pempicara dalam presentasi tersebut harus bisa mengarahkan dan membimbing para pesertanya supaya dapat memahami dan melaksanakan apa yang telah disampaikan. Selain itu pembicara-pun harus dapat memberikan motivasi pada para peserta. Selain itu pembicara juga harus dapat memberikan inspirasi supaya para peserta menjadi bersemangat dalam melakukan kegiatan yang disampaikannya pada presentasi tersebut.
            Presentasi yang berusahan untuk memberi kesenangan pada orang melalui informasi yang diberikan.

            Membuat suatu ide ataupun gagasan
Tujuan lainnya dari presentasi tentunya untuk membuat ide ataupun gagasan. Tujuannya biasanya diterapkan pada organisasi yang sedang mengalami suatu masalah yang sulit untuk dicarikan solusinya, sehingga membutuhkan pendapat dari orang lain untuk mencari solusi. Sering sekali kita dengar adanya istilah rapat atau organisasi yang nantinya akan mengundang peserta yang dianggap penting agar dapat memberikan solusi untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut.

            Daftar Pustaka

Meet Other Bloggers

Yo, what's up? I hope you have a very great day today. Even if you're not, it's not the end but let's just be happy and remember how blessed we are still breathing and moreover, you're here reading my post. I'm going to introduce you to my fella bloggers. We're on the same year and are studying Psychology together at the same university. I'm going to share these wonderful people blog link(please click on their name and you will be directed to their home).

1. M Yoga 

Here's candidate number one! He is a very poetic person when you begin to stroll what he wrote on his blog. Besides posting about his random thoughts, he posted other valuable information in social education and others. But nonetheless, his writing will entertain your heart and mind.

2. Adinda

I really love poems and would read it like I'm reading tabloids. If you are another reader that loves beautiful poems and deep writings that will shake your feelings, please do visit my friend,  Lady Adinda. She has a very wonderful poems that will make your heart wanting more of her artistic creations.

3. Shafira

I remember having a small talk not long ago with Shafira. I've learned that she has a passion in Child Development. Her blog mainly talks about psychology, justice and other interesting topics.

4. Nazira

Yay, another poetic author. She is a very wonderful writer that might sway your feelings away. With a very expressive writing, Nazira would like readers to join her by reading her writings with heart.

5. Syifa Putri

Last but not least, Syifa will be talking about our activities and what a few topics about what we've studied in Psychology. In case you're interested to know what we're doing, please find out by clicking her name.

So that's it! Five amazing people that will share you their fun. You can find others from our year who is currently writing their blogs too. Each of my friend above will introduce you to other amazing bloggers. My wonderful friends here wrote their posts with Indonesian. If you are not an Indonesian speaker, perhaps you can learn about Indonesian as your foreign language. YAY!  But please do visit their blog whether you're an Indonesian speaker or not. Because they're my jolly minions. Duh! 

Random Topics from Jolly Minions

Sharing positive vibes is what i first thought when i wrote about the blog name and the first post. Like what I've talked about in my previous post, be the change, if you want something better happening in the future or else nothing is going to happen. Well, mostly I'm going talk about personal and self improvement which i feel like to share, how-to tips about anything(yes, anything ;)), friendships, relationships, mostly just about life and the complexity, personal hobbies and my assignments.

Feel free to comment below of what i should discuss in my posts about any questions from the topics above.

With love, 
Jolly Author

The Chosen One: Jolly Minions

    We all have these whole bunch of feelings whether we can control it or not sometimes. There are happy, sad, angry, disappointment, excited, depressed and the other whole bunch of expressions.

    Are you a very happy person or at least with an exciting mind of positive vibes? Well, if you are, awesome there bae, keep going! If you are not a naturally very happy, jolly, lively person, please do not worry, I don't bite(we're literally facing our screen anyway, duh) and fyi, I'm also not a hyperactive kid who will jump and pop your bubble of imaginations.

    So here are 3 reasons why me, the lunatic author have chosen this name.

1. The World Needs More Happy People a.k.a. Jolly Minions!

    Well, we can't deny that we are living in a world where poverty, war, crime, famine and destruction exist. It's always been there anyway. We all want to live a joyful life in secure and of course, it's human instinct to feel that way.

    We want everything to go well and we always hope that others will do it. So what do most people after that? They wait and wait. Then, what is actually happening? NOTHING. We're hoping for an IMPACT. We're hoping for a CHANGE. But yet, we're only hoping for others to do it. So be the change of what YOU wish to create. Be the change of what you wanted to share and believe for a better, secure world that we all have yearn for so long. There's always times when evil was so hard to beat but here's a good news. Good always trample evil. One happy(synonym of jolly) person who contributes to the world could literally give a whole crazy effect to the world. So, CHOOSE HAPPINESS. We need Jolly Minions!

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman

2. Happy People are Healthier!

    If you feel like you really need another reason of why you should be happy right now, here's a good one: as you can search everywhere on uncle google, it shows that there's a correlation between health and happiness. Happy people tend to be better at taking care of themselves by living a productive life with tidy, regular life than unhappy folks. Hmmm... Is it not quite convincing yet?

3. You are Freaking Alive!

    You are here, breathing, so be grateful for that, pal. Yes, life is hard. I got that. So if life gives you lemon, don't just let them throw it at you but use it as your opportunity. Life is short anyway, it would be a shame to die unhappy, right? Also, there is no one on this earth who can replace us. We are different and perfectly shining in our own way. No one can beat us but ourselves. Let's not forget our valuable we are and be a jolly minion.

    So, that's it! Why I'm encouraging us to be a part of jolly minions and reasons why we should be happy. 

    Moreover, why not?!